Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thank You Lord

There has never been a more satisfying job than being a mother. I am glad Lord chose me to be one. And this Lenten Season I will be thanking Him over and over again for all the blessings He has given me and the whole world. My Sea God Lovechild - Little S.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Party Ideas

Since Little S' birthday is coming and I decided to have SPRING THEMED PARTY. I went blog hopping to get more ideas for my DIY. Although I started doing some stuff some months ago, fresh ideas will always be uhm fresh. So after doing some good research and getting A LOT of spring lovin' ideas, here's my top favorite blog site - HOSTESS with the MOSTESS!!

I am in love with all their theme ideas. I tell you once you click on the link you'll be hooked and getting your hands dirty over artsy and craftsy beedoos won't be a worry anymore!  I got some photos to keep you inspired.

This one was very disco bling and apt for bridal showers and such! Don't you just love the cutesy disco balls?

Your fierce girly side will surely show with this Leopard, Lace and Love theme!

And for those planning out their Easter Egg Hunt Party, this is just the right bunny wunny idea.

Of Breastfeeding an 11 MO

I always assumed breastfeeding was not just an option but a must if you are a mother. Not until I became a mother myself did I learn that some mothers prefer not to breastfeed their child for reasons that vary from personal preference to health issues. I myself chose to breastfeed Little S knowing that formula feeding is way too expensive for us. Yes that was my reason. The burden of raising a child financially has been passed on to my folks and adding formula milk to the long list of weekly to-buys will be too much. Hence I have been feeding my child my own milk since 4 days after her birth (that was when I had my milk).

Truly it has been a rewarding experience which until now I still am very happy of doing. Although at times Little S can be "needy" snatching my boob underneath my shirt whether we are in public or not (as seen on photo), I try to compromise the situation by letting her sleep for a little while until we find a breastfeeding station (in some instances, I just have to offer her my boob while I try to cover it up). Breastfeeding my 11 month old baby is a wonderful thing but sometimes I can't help but say GAH!. Teething has always been an issue especially when she started biting me. Good thing my "twins" are still intact, and they seem to be in perfect shape.

Nonetheless, I am sticking to what I have always planned; breastfeed until supplies lasts.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leggings - The Invasion

Ever since last year I kept on seeing this new trend all over my Facebook sellers and back then it costs P250.00 each which is way too much for an unemployed single mother like me who relies solely from her parents regarding baby expenses (although I was able to keep a stash from my SSS benefit). Until come this year, I saw a seller with a much cheaper line. So after dissecting the pros and cons of me buying the leggings I gave in to my shopaholic self and got Little S her own pair.

I was a bit disappointed since the print did not look the same as the one shown on the photo by the seller nonetheless I thought this pair was cheaper than the average so I guess this was the reason why. Heck it was just P125.00 compared to the original ones,it costs almost half the price. Nonetheless, Little S was comfortable in it and did not fuss around which is a bigger deal than aesthetic appeal (that is for me).

She wore the pants when we went for a checkup because of her bad cough. And all throughout the ride to and fro she never showed any resistance whatever to the pants. And of course, I was more than happy. Riding a jeepney with an infant is no joke and Little S behaving the whole time was more than just a bonus. Plus I bought her a new headband to go with that purple shirt (as shown in the photo). A casual day it was indeed!