Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Been enjoying being in a relationship and the same time balancing it out with motherhood for the past months. 

But I think things got way too fast for us.

I'm beginning to doubt if this is the right thing for me to settle for someone whom I'm not sure I can really count on.


Monday, October 24, 2011


It has been more than a month since my last blog post. I can still remember how giddy I was when I wrote my previous post. And yes I still feel giddy ❤

Two days after the post Mr. SD and I went out for a lunch date. I expected him to be awkward and all but he wasn't. He was the most talkative guy I know (well at least during the first date). But I thought he was cute with his effeminate mannerisms and his way of explaining things. I knew I like the Mr. SD I was virtually talking to but this Mr. SD talking animatedly in front of me is better - I thought to myself. We said our goodbyes then that night he asked me if we can officially be a couple. I set things straight mind you, I told him I can't give you all the time in the world because I have a kid I'm sure you understand AND don't demand any sexual interaction between us because I am not ready yet to have any sex with any guy at all. He was totally okay with the setup. He said he just wanted us to have some sort of definition.

Then things went "WEIRD" when I learned that his mom is not really happy with the idea of him dating a single mom. Well actually not just his mom but his WHOLE FAMILY. And I thought WTH, Mr. SD is a single dad it's not like he's a virgin or what. But the rational me came into view and the painful realization sunk in. The Philippine society frowns at single moms and his family is no different.

So we came to a compromise, if we want US to work then we'll lie low, take things extra slow and prove to everyone that we are able parents. I guess when time comes that we make a name for ourselves then everything will be easier.

But for now, let me enjoy the feeling of loving and being loved. I almost forgot how it felt like :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mr. SD

Time and time again I always reminded myself to veer away from the opposite sex. After one failed serious relationship that left me a single mom I should've learned that my quest for finding Mr. Right is not feasible.

Until I met you. 

At first I thought it was no big deal; you have a kid I have mine at least for once I have someone that can totally relate to whatever I am going through.

But then I was wrong.

It was just a simple exchange of parenting experiences that led to us knowing each other's interest and eventually finding out that we have a more common ground than just being single parents. Every single day I looked forward to your message on my inbox. Every single message left had a lot to say about each of us. Fortunately we came to an agreement that parents like us are not meant to have any love life at all and that we should just focus on our kids.

Then we gave each other's numbers.

We became constant textmates and when I say constant I mean texting almost 24/7. I know it's not healthy. I don't even want why all of a sudden I like him! For crying out loud I can't like him?!? It's too complicated and I am not ready.

When I fall, I fall hard.

And now is the worst time to fall in love.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

When to Un-Trust

I am not exactly good with people but I try to make the best of every situation. And as much as I really treasure all the people who comes into my life there are others who sometimes I regret ever meeting. Or maybe it was me all along; I put too much trust in any one that breaking me is no hard task.

YES. Over and over again I see myself heart broken not my ex lovers (maybe but not all the time). But with friends whom I thought are precious diamonds. It seems to me that they never gave  the same effort in treasuring the relationship as I did. And does that make me a loser of some kind? Honestly. I. don't. know. But oftentimes I just wish I never felt that pain with any of them.

Sometimes it is good to have friends, to open your heart to them. But BE WARY. Not everyone thinks the same way as you do.

LESSON 1 (Little S): Think before you trust. A personal wall is never a bad thing. Know your limitations regarding building friendships. Yes, they are healthy until they starts betraying you.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

DIY 1st BDAY (Little S)

I've been raving about Little S' 1st birthday party that after the event I even forgot to blog about it. Well thank God for memory I remembered to post a couple of details here - now.

So yeah; the day of the party was gloomy BUT it didn't rain so it was still fun fun fun.

I know I know, I keep on saying Little S' but here you can see it's Cassandra, well she has two names and the first starting with S is not exactly conventional so others call her Cassandra instead. Anyway, the CASSANDRA BANNER i made using scrapbooking paper and the letters I just printed out using a font from, nifty right?

I also made this pabitin from crepe paper turned into roses. I should've gotten a better photo so that it can be appreciated more but I only got this, so this has to do.

I also got a couple of mother ballons for the decoration. Although we had both pink and green as giveaways for the kids.

The birthday cake was really simple as well. It was a gift from one of my titas.

This was the video my videographer friend made for Little S' birthday. And I love how it captured the simplicity of country living and how 1st birthdays should always be (I apologize for my obnoxious friends).


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thank You Lord

There has never been a more satisfying job than being a mother. I am glad Lord chose me to be one. And this Lenten Season I will be thanking Him over and over again for all the blessings He has given me and the whole world. My Sea God Lovechild - Little S.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Party Ideas

Since Little S' birthday is coming and I decided to have SPRING THEMED PARTY. I went blog hopping to get more ideas for my DIY. Although I started doing some stuff some months ago, fresh ideas will always be uhm fresh. So after doing some good research and getting A LOT of spring lovin' ideas, here's my top favorite blog site - HOSTESS with the MOSTESS!!

I am in love with all their theme ideas. I tell you once you click on the link you'll be hooked and getting your hands dirty over artsy and craftsy beedoos won't be a worry anymore!  I got some photos to keep you inspired.

This one was very disco bling and apt for bridal showers and such! Don't you just love the cutesy disco balls?

Your fierce girly side will surely show with this Leopard, Lace and Love theme!

And for those planning out their Easter Egg Hunt Party, this is just the right bunny wunny idea.